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Your personal path

Would you rather like to be guided individually?

That is also possible!

Compassion-Based Coaching

You can receive an official 8 week mindfulness-based compassion living (MBCL), or we could develop a personalized program for you, based on the principles of compassion and/or other practices (e.g., mindfulness, acceptance and commitment therapy; ACT).

The coaching sessions are characterised by a compassionate attitude: open, accepting, without judgment. Nothing is too crazy for me, just show up as you are, so that you slowly can master this basic attitude yourself.

Preferably, we meet in person at the practice of Kind to Mind in Amsterdam. However, in case Amsterdam is not convenient for you, we can also meet online via the secure online environment of Kind to Mind.

Compassion-Based Coaching

Would you like to book a coaching session or do you have any further questions?

Feel free to contact me


" Individual sessions were more convenient for me given my irregular working hours. I have been able to follow the eight-week mindfulness training at my own pace and still come every now and then for a booster session. This helps me to keep integrating mindfulness into my busy life."
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